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Chinese translation for "labia minora"


Related Translations:
labia:  n.labium 的复数。
labium:  n.(pl. -bia )1.〔 pl. 〕 【解剖学】唇;阴唇。2.【动物;动物学】(无脊椎动物的)唇状部分;(昆虫的)下唇。3.【植物;植物学】(唇形花冠的)下唇瓣。
labia majora:  【解剖学】大阴唇。
Example Sentences:
1.Next the labia minora are created
2.. . of kegl ' s muscle of labia minora .
提高了40 %以上的效果
3.Of kegl ' s muscle of labia minora
提高了40 %以上的效果
4.A second - stage labiaplasty will be necessary to hood the clitoris and create the labia minora
5.From 1986 to 1996 , 10 female children , aged 3 to 6 years , who presented with a variety of urinary symptoms were found to have adhesion of the labia minora
6.Next , the skin is gently freed from the underlying tissue . this will allow the skin to be re - draped to hood the clitoris and create the labia minora
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